The Effect of Social Media on Teens and Young Adults

With New Media on the rise, several social media platforms have emerged such as YouTube and Facebook which serves as a form of communication and entertainment. The approach I plan to take on this research topic would be to display the advantages and disadvantages of YouTube and Facebook on teens and young adults. The advantages for YouTube include advances in health education and other various forms of college level education taught by Khan Academy. The disadvantages include teens and young adults being exposed to an environment of beauty guru's buying makeup and clothes (which may set an unrealistic/unreachable goal for people) and potentially following the wrong role models on YouTube. Advantages for Facebook is that it promotes awareness of diseases or social issues where people can donate to and help out (the Ice Bucket challenge, HONY, etc.) and allows small businesses to increase brand value and social media presence. Disadvantages of Facebook include the increasing loss of privacy especially among teens and cyber bullying.


  1. Hello Jessica,

    As YouTube and Facebook is the top two social media platforms I use daily, I totally agree they help improve and update our knowledge. Being a college student, I believe all classes are mainly self-study and YouTube would be a complementary to self-studying because they have lots of tutorials. Promotion of awareness and social issues is definitely a good aspect of using social media, however, it can easily be the total opposite. For example, the Ice Bucket challenge is only supposed to be a small bucket of ice water. Some teens might get ahead of themselves and turn that small bucket into a huge tub of ice water; results would be unnecessary injuries. That said, overall I agree social media platforms has its advantages and disadvantages on teens and young adults. Though I personally believe the advantages outweighs the disadvantages.

    Your topic is extremely relatable to today's society and to me because after all, I'm a young adult.

    1. I agree with you that sometimes, good causes can be abused or taken advantage of. For instance you mentioned that some people may dump huge tubs of ice water on themselves which results in unnecessary injuries; although this can certainly happen I feel that the pros outweigh the potential cons. If anything, this creates more awareness for the Ice Bucket challenge and people may be curious as to why this challenge started and research more about the disease.


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